Saturday, February 26, 2011
We had a great time!
Monday, February 21, 2011
Flower Photos
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Guess what is in our front yard...
(I took the picture above the other day)
It has been wonderfully warm these last few days, so we have been opening up windows and doors. We even have been taking the plastic covering off of the garden to let sun in~now that it's come out. Yesterday Anna, Daniel and I went for a bike ride, since it was so warm. We took another one today, after I realized how out of shape I've gotten! All yesterday and today my legs felt like jello! Thankfully they're feeling more normal now! ;) Unfortunately it is also unbelievably windy, but it is still definitely better than dreary, cloudy and cold!
I also planted more vegetables in our garden this morning~lettuce and spinach. I keep hoping that maybe another rabbit will choose to make a nest under our spinach, like one did last year. We actually had two bunny nests in our yard, the other one under the roots of a strawberry plant. I had noticed a rabbit digging around in our strawberry bed, but hadn't thought anything of it. But the next day Mom was weeding, when she discovered a nest under a spinach plant. The rabbits in that nest were about six weeks old. So I then decided to check the strawberry bed just to make sure there wasn't a nest there also. And sure enough, there was! The babies were tiny and still pink, and it was obvious that they were only a day old. So we were able to see the older nest grow up and hop away, which they did about two weeks later. We actually brought some inside to play with, but only for a few minutes. One actually became a little tame, and would let us get quite close to it, even when it was almost full grown. But the next nest was moved by the mother into a unknown place (probably just a more quiet place in our yard) so we didn't get to see then grow up. It was quite a fun memory! Here are some pictures of the older nest~we never took the other bunnies out.