I'm not sure if anyone will read this or not, but yes, Kelsey Butler is still alive, I haven't fallen off the face of the earth. ;) I hope all of you are doing well.
We had a great Easter, and I'm pretty sure that Mom had a good Mother's Day. :)
As all of you know, Osama bin Laden is dead. I have to say when I heard that, I wasn't quite sure what to think. (well to be honest, at first I couldn't even remember
who he was)
I think I was about to turn six years old on September 11th. I can remember watching on the News the pictures and things, and a while later in my grandfather's house, looking through the huge book full of pictures about the catastrophe. I really was too little to understand anything about the people who died, or any of the subjects related.
So, when I heard that Osama was killed, I have to admit that I felt a deep sorrow for him. Since I was to little to understand the hate surrounding the event on Sept. 11th, I didn't feel like rejoicing or anything like that when I heard the news. I hadn't ever really felt any anger towards him, or any feelings at all for that matter.He had never directly affected my life. But if he had, I wonder how I would feel now? Would I still feel sorry for him, that he never was able to experience true fulfillment through Christ? Or would I feel like America had had it's revenge on him, like so many others? "Revenge is mine sayeth the Lord." He's now in hell, where he will stay
Forever is a really powerful word, and I've been thinking about it for a while. I'm going to be in Heaven forever, and I hope you will to, but do you ever think, "It must be boring to be in the same place for
forever." Well, let me tell you something! Have you ever had just a really good time, doing something wholesome,and thought, "I could do this for forever and never get bored." Heaven is going to be something like that, but even better, 'cause it will be
forever with you true friend, the one who will never leave you, nor forsake you, the one that you can
always count on, and knows everything about you. Just something to think about.
I'm sad that Osama's life was so full of hate; he never had a chance to experience true love for anything worthwhile, because hatred and murder were the driving forces in his life. He thought by killing those people, he could somehow gain a place in paradise. He is now in torment, living a life in hell, which isn't even life: it is a time of continual death, with
no relief, whatsoever. I can understand how people could feel so much anger and hate against him, especially if they had a friend, or loved one who died, or suffered as result of Osama's hate. But if you are angry with someone, you have committed murder against them in your heart, no different than what Osama has done. The only difference is contact, but to God, it is the same.
If you'd like to, you can leave a comment to express your thoughts on the matter.