All ready for some shootin' Well maybe not, considering we are already late for breakfast with Grandad. ;)
On the way back home I took this picture.
Look! It's a mouse! Actually it was a dead mouse. It must have died of poison, because it was flexible. We fluffed it up and set it on a rocking chair, and it scared the mess out of Mama! I don't understand people who are scared of mice, what is there to be scared of?
Howdy partner! ( Those are real guns)

I'm hoping to frame this one.
That's a lot of apples! We picked quite a few, and I would sit on the porch and peel them each morning for breakfast. Yum!
I think this is sorta funny. That's me, in case you were wondering. The best apples were up high, so I drove the four~wheeler under the tree so we could reach them.
These are the Fox grapes we picked. We picked the rest on the creek bank.
I think this is so cute!
That's how we got the grapes out.

What a nice vacation! ~Kelsey Our Grandad Thurman took us up here. Isn't it beautiful?
Mr. Hylton and Joy.
Grandma Brenda and Joshua.

This is Isaac and I on the way to the cabin from the campground. It was really cold! We had just finished picking grapes on the creek bank. That's why my hair looks so crazy!

This is Molly, isn't she cute?
Mama took this picture of a woolly bear.
I took this picture on the way back home.
Awww, how sweet.
The more the merrier!
This is the lake.
Hey, look it's Dan the Sailor Man!
Anna is holding one of the newts they fished out of the lake with a fishing pole.
Hey Kelsey. Awesome pictures. Looks like you guys enjoyed yourselves! That is beautiful countryside, what was the weather/temp like?
Sounds like a lot of fun! :) The pictures were beautiful! :) -Rachel
Hey. Me again. Ok, what is making you guys laugh in the 11th picture from the top? I really like the first picture, with the family and the guns. We did something like that for my dad's 40th Birthday Party. It was a video. Anyway, that picture of Daniel with the guns, he has a great pose. Was that on purpose? Mary seems to be having a bit of trouble with her paddle on the lake. Haha, I cracked up when I saw that one!
One last thing, you guys were the Blue Jean Family on that vacation! It was great. Everyone is matching in the pictures.
Yeah, well, there isn't anything ele pratical to wear in Floyd county, just blue jeans, so it's hard not to match! ;) Daniel was posing, and I changed the exposure. We were laughing at Dad. It was about 65 at the hottest and freezing at night. ~Kelsey
I loved this post! :)
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