We had a wonderful Christmas! We didn't do what we had planned for Christmas and New Years, or in other words what Kendal and I hoped to do, but we had fun anyway. On Christmas Eve we were planning on going to our church's Christmas Eve service, but some of the little ones came down with strep throat or something so we stayed home. We watched The Ultimate Gift instead, which was a really good movie. On Christmas morning we opened our presents. Here are some pictures.

We didn't actually take this on Christmas morning.

Joy opening her freshwater pearl and sodalite bracelet

Mary really wanted a watch for Christmas

Noah loves Veggie Tales, so Mom and Dad got him A toy Larry, Bob and Jr. Asparagus

Aren't thease the cutest things ever? They look like Yankee candles but they're really tiny thing of lip balm

In the bottom of a box with many different things in it were handfuls of organic lollipops!

This is a box of staitionary with butterflies all over it. the box is really neat, it looks like a book, but when you open it it's a box!

This is Kendal's graphing calculator

This is a really neat toy that you make moterized cars and things with

Mom opening her package of lip balm
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! ~Kelsey
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