Thursday, March 24, 2011

Daniel's birthday pictures, and other fun stuff! :)

This is Daniel and Grandma  Butler on Daniel's birthday outing.
This is my littlest sibling, Joshua. He is nine months old, and I think he is the cutest baby ever. ( I know, I'm so modest) ;)
This is my little brother Noah, my great aunt Bess ( grandma's twin sister) and Daniel.
Joshua quietly played through the meal, sitting beside Mama. Okay, I'll admit, it was only for a little while. :) 
My oldest sister, Kendal, Grandma, and me. (Kelsey)
This is Anna and Isaac.
Mary and Joy.

This is D. Dale Sides teaching a neat class we attended a few weeks ago.
Joshua and Daniel
I told Joshua to smile at Mary,and he did!
(and then he growled at her later)
Sweet Anna Grace and Joshua. By then he was tired of having his picture taken and wouldn't smile.

This is "Companion." He is an  amazingly tame pigeon that has been visiting us every once in a while. 

He is also incredibly smart! I was sitting cross legged on our front porch talking to him one morning,and he flew down and sat beside me! So  I patted my knee, hoping he would hop on,and he did! :) He has also clime on Daniel's shoulder,and walked around behind his neck to the other side, and eaten oat bran from  our hands! One day, three of us were siting on the outside ledge of the trampoline, and he flew up and sat beside us!
At first he would only let Noah pet him, but then he gave up and let all of us pet him too.

We now have about six or so of these irises fully bloomed in our yard! Doesn't that fuzy thing in the middle look like some sort of sea creature?
I hope ya'll enjoyed the pictures! Have a great rest of the week ! ~Kelsey

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The love of my life... Almost! ;)

I mean who doesn't love chocolate? The big thick bar in the middle is one of the best I've ever had, Daddy found it at Walmart for four dollars, and it was huge! The one on the right is a raspberry chocolate bar, which was really good also! Is your mouth watering yet? ;) ~Kelsey

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Random... just for fun ;)

Here are a few random things... I hope you will find them interesting!

~A few months ago, only our service was having communion, instead of all the services. (there are three, plus an evening service) So Daddy was discussing with Mama where he could find Matzo crackers. If you don't know what Matzo crackers are, they're these tasteless wheat crackers made of wheat flour and water... yuck! (if you haven't had them before, be glad, you aren't missing out on anything) Anyhow, after Mama told Daddy where he could find them, she told him she thought they were yucky. If you personally don't know my dad, he is such a servant to others and very friendly, and he loves to make people happy. So, he bought garlic flavored Matzo crackers! (we didn't know he did though) So on Sunday morning, while we were taking communion, after everyone had their "bread" a strange murmur went through the room. We were trying very hard not to laugh, when Pastor Bradd said," I know if I don't say something, someone else will. It seems that the body has some spice this morning!" So then the whole congregation burst out laughing. It was really funny, especially since Daddy is famous in our house for adding strange spices to things.
~The other day Anna found a tiger cowrie shell laying on the kitchen counter. She picked it up and said, "If this was in our house long enough, could we hear people arguing?" It was truly funny, especially since she really thought that one could "hear the ocean" in it because it was in the ocean so long. ;)
~Tomorrow is my brother Daniel's 11th birthday! It is really neat though, because he is turning 11, it is on the 11th, and it is the year 2011! Isn't that cool?
~Kendal invented a new game for us called,"Brainstorm." this is how you play it. You think of a category, like countries, states, trees, plants etc. Then you set a timer for anywhere between one and four minutes, and in that time you have to write down as fast as you can, as many things you can think of that belong in that category. It is alot of fun! It is amazing how hard it is to think of things sometimes though! A really super hard one is, "places where you can buy food, or eat." I won last night with 17! Daddy won the countries and states category with forty some though! :)
~When I was little, the subject of many odd and unusual dreams were the "flying monkeys" from the Wizard of Oz. Daddy said his was the "child snatcher" from Chity chitty bang bang.
~A fun thing that Kendal and I do sometimes is fabric and dress trading. I'm usually the one trading the fabric for dresses though! (and shirts) the other day, I traded some fabric for a new dress, and a short crocheted sweater for a new blouse! I think I got the better part of the deal that time though, because Mama said the blouse looks better on me than it did on her. ;) But the sweater does look good with the dress she made out of fabric I traded her for a matching shirt and skirt she made! I took pictures of all the things we've traded recently, I'll post them soon.
I hope all of you are having a great week! ~Kelsey

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Last weekend

Last Sunday we all went to Williamsburgh. We finally had a tour of the Governor's Palace, which was really neat. I was shocked though at how small all the rooms were! The doorways were fairly short also, so the people then must have been pretty petite.We met up with Aunt Carrie and Brian, and we also got to meet their foreign exchange student. Hear are some pictures I took while we were there.I'm sorry for the poor quality of some of the pictures inside the Palace. There was very little lighting inside, and it was a cloudy day.

This is my greatest photographic masterpiece! ;)

Later I might post a few more pictures. I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend! ~Kelsey