Saturday, March 5, 2011
Last weekend
Last Sunday we all went to Williamsburgh. We finally had a tour of the Governor's Palace, which was really neat. I was shocked though at how small all the rooms were! The doorways were fairly short also, so the people then must have been pretty petite.We met up with Aunt Carrie and Brian, and we also got to meet their foreign exchange student. Hear are some pictures I took while we were there.I'm sorry for the poor quality of some of the pictures inside the Palace. There was very little lighting inside, and it was a cloudy day.

Nice pictures!
Thanks for the comment! And thank you for adding me to your sidebar!!
P.s I hope we can get together soon, We've missed you guys!
Yes, I agree, we really should get together! You're welcome, I really enjoy photograpy also! ~Kelsey
I Love Williamsburg too! It's been years since I've been into the Governer's Palace! :) Did the guide make you all line up for a minuet in the ballroom?
I think the size of the rooms was made up for in the granduer of them! :) See you later! ~Rachel
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