Thursday, April 12, 2012

My Tag

Here is my tag from Our Family View From Us Two
I was just now reading their blog, and realized I had been tagged... thank you, this should be fun.
  1. What color are your eyes? They are a blue green, and my left eye has a brown spot in it...funny, cause genetically I'm not supposed to have brown eyes
  2. Do you enjoy reading? Wow, you must be joking! From my point of view, if someone doesn't like to read, they're weird :)
  3. Sweet Frog or Coldstones? Sweet Frog, or the Skinny Dip
  4. Have you ever been given a surprise party? No, I haven't
  5. What is you favorite TV show - I love Lucy, Undercover Boss, Restaurant Stakeout,  Roy Rogers etc. ? Definitely not Roy Rogers, I've seen plenty of that to last a lifetime... I love Lucy is one of my favorites
  6. Have you ever broken one of your bones? I'm not sure, definitely not a major one, but I might have broken one of my toes this last Fall.
  7. What is your worst fear? Wow, that's a hard one. Not very many things scare me. If I had to pick one though, it would probably be a roller coaster's track to break and I'd have to suffer a painful death. But since there is such a small possibility of that happening, I ride them anyways. ;)
  8. Subway or Zero's ? Neither
  9. How many siblings do you have? Well, come November I'll have NINE! Whoohoo! (I'm really excited) I'll have to change my blog title to "Second Oldest of Ten" :)
  10. What is one of your bad habits? forgetting to thaw supper meat in time
  11. Do you like flying? (In a airplane that is) Never have 
Well that was lots of fun! I've been studying up for my grandmother's wedding cake, and here are some pictures of the basic idea.

It will be three tiered, and the flowers, which will be more like the ones in the  first picture, will be a dusted on pale blue instead of pink, to match Grandma's dress.
Hope you enjoyed the tag, and later on I'll think of some people to tag.
Have a blessed week!


Sarah said...

:) Your mom's pregnant??? How fun!!! What do you want the baby to be?

Butler Family Member said...

Yes, she is!
I would love for it to be a girl, but I would be perfectly happy with a boy also. If it is a boy, it will complete the pattern, but I think it will be a girl, because once a family figures out their pattern, it gets changed. :)