Saturday, October 13, 2012


Hello fellow bloggers! I just wanted to draw your attention to the poll I put up.
The subject is, "What colors do you dream in?" Apparently this is a very controversial subject. You have 9 days left to vote! Enjoy the weekend, and the beautiful weather...

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Day in the Life of a Princess...a guest post by Cinderella

Hi, everyone! Thanks so much to Kelsey for inviting me to post on her blog!
So, the other day I was preparing for a royal ball, when a photographer stopped me and asked me to pose for her. Being a typical Disney Princess, I was more than happy to comply, although I was in somewhat of a hurry...
It seems that this has become sort of a standard pose for me- I honestly have no idea why.
 A close-up of my hair. It always looks exactly the same, no matter what the occasion, thanks to a lot of bobby pins and hairspray. :)

 "I've had quite enough!"

"Sing, sweet nightingale..."

"Look! It's Cinderella!"

"Hello? Fairy Godmother? Yes, this is Cinderella... it looks like you forgot the carriage. Yes, well, they have some at the grocery store...6:00!?! I can't wait until 6:00- I have to be there by 4:45!...yes, the car is here, but...oh, ok, but please don't let it happen again...alright, talk to you later."

TO: Prince Charming
Fairy G. fell through again... will be there asap. Might be a bit l8. Ttyl.
"'Bye- I'll be back by midnight!"
Me, with my friends Belle and Tiana. We had such a great night! And just between me and anyone who happens to read this, Prince Charming could really benefit from some dance lessons...

Monday, October 1, 2012

Tag from Graham

Here are the rules...

1. I must post eleven facts about myself.
2. I must answer the eleven questions the awarder has given me , and create eleven questions for my awardees to answer .
3. Tag eleven fellow bloggers.
4. Notify them that I have awarded them .
Okay, so here are the eleven facts about myself
  1. I am seventeen years old
  2. I have never had a cavity
  3. I really really love roller coasters!! (the scarier the better)
  4. I have always wanted to have curly red hair (NOT crazy curly like Merida's)
  5. I like adventure and mystery movies better than romantic ones ( I'd take National Treasure any day over a Jane Austen movie)
  6. My dream car is a yellow convertible Mustang
  7. My favorite time in history is the late '40's and '50's
  8. I had my first surprise birthday party a few weeks ago, and it was '50's themed! (pictures later)
  9. I have been the family cook since I was 13 or 14
  10. I am 5' 7" 3/4
  11. After I graduate, I hope to seriously study Greek and Latin  (yeah, sound REALLY boring, but it's actually quite interesting)

These are Graham's questions...

1. What is your favorite thing to do in your spare time?
Reading or pretending to be a photographer

2. What is your favorite black and white television show?
I Love Lucy

3. What is your favorite song?
Wow! That's a hard one, current favorites  are 10,000 Reasons by Matt Redman, Lose My Soul by Toby Mac (the title sounds awful, but the song is actually really good) and Me Without You, also by Toby Mac

4. What is your favorite Bible verse?

 Romans 8:28

5. Where do you go to church?

Harvest Assembly of God 

6. What county of what state do you live in?

I live in Virginia, but we don't have counties in this area. I live in a medium sized city

7. What is/was your favorite school subject?
I'm really enjoying Anatomy this year

8. What is one of the highlights of this year for you?
Chris Tomlin concert at Busch Gardens

9. Cookie or cracker?


10. If you could go to any concert tomorrow, where would it be?
I'm not really a big concert person, but if I could go to anyone's  concert tomorrow, it would be Chris Tomlin's

11. If you could visit any country in the world, where would it be?
Austria or Hawaii
Okay, so here are the 11 new questions
  1. Where is your dream vacation spot?
  2. What is your favorite period in history and why?
  3. Do you play any instruments?
  4. What is your current dream for 10 years down the road?
  5. What is your favorite hobby?
  6. What is your favorite book in the Bible?
  7. Would you rather go dancing or stay home and read? (if you would rather go dancing, state what kind)
  8. What is your favorite style of music? (Jazz, Country, Classical etc.
  9. How many children are in your family?
  10. What grade are you in, if graduated, what are your plans for future education?
  11. What would your perfect day be?

Here are the people I'm tagging....





Morgan M.

I decided not to pick people who wouldn't get around to posting a tag. However, if you want to answer the questions on your blog and you weren't picked, let me know, I'd love to read them.