Sunday, October 7, 2012

Day in the Life of a Princess...a guest post by Cinderella

Hi, everyone! Thanks so much to Kelsey for inviting me to post on her blog!
So, the other day I was preparing for a royal ball, when a photographer stopped me and asked me to pose for her. Being a typical Disney Princess, I was more than happy to comply, although I was in somewhat of a hurry...
It seems that this has become sort of a standard pose for me- I honestly have no idea why.
 A close-up of my hair. It always looks exactly the same, no matter what the occasion, thanks to a lot of bobby pins and hairspray. :)

 "I've had quite enough!"

"Sing, sweet nightingale..."

"Look! It's Cinderella!"

"Hello? Fairy Godmother? Yes, this is Cinderella... it looks like you forgot the carriage. Yes, well, they have some at the grocery store...6:00!?! I can't wait until 6:00- I have to be there by 4:45!...yes, the car is here, but...oh, ok, but please don't let it happen again...alright, talk to you later."

TO: Prince Charming
Fairy G. fell through again... will be there asap. Might be a bit l8. Ttyl.
"'Bye- I'll be back by midnight!"
Me, with my friends Belle and Tiana. We had such a great night! And just between me and anyone who happens to read this, Prince Charming could really benefit from some dance lessons...


Traveling the Narrow Road said...

LOL...too funny Kendal!

You make quite an exquisite Cinderella. :-)


Rachel Heffington said...

:D Love the outfit Kendal! You do resemble Cinderella quite alot in those pictures. :) What was the occasion?

Butler Family Member said...

Thanks is rather entertaining, isn't it? The Chick-fil-A at Battlefield (not the one I work at) was having a princess night, and they needed a blonde to be Cinderella. We're friends with the owner and his family, so they asked me to do it. :) -Kendal

Traveling the Narrow Road said...

The owner and his family picked were a great match! :-)