Sunday, October 24, 2010

It's Me! (Kendal)

I thought I would do a post on what I have been doing lately and such...

We've been somewhat steadily working through the school books... this school year has been a busy one for Mom- for the first time she has six students, and only two are at the same grade level. (Daniel and Anna) That doesn't make for a very easy job! Fortunately, Kelsey and I do nearly all of ours independently, and we can help the younger children. Despite it being my senior year, I don't have a ton of time-consuming subjects, which is nice, especially since I'm working during the day. This year I'm taking Advanced Biology (human anatomy), vocabulary (very quick and easy, even fun, too a degree) Writing and Grammar, (This happens to be my least favorite subject, next to anatomy, but I would like to improve my writing skills.) Accounting, (it's not difficult, just boring), and History from the Civil War to Vietnam (definitely my favorite subject). I'm grateful for the great education that I've received over the past twelve years, but at the same time I am really looking forward to finishing high school!

I'm still enjoying work at Chick-fil-A, [sometimes known as "The Store", "The Chicken", or CFA :) ] although the "new experience" part has worn off. It started to feel like work after about six months, but it became a job in my mind at about the nine month mark, when I had to start getting up at 5:00 in the morning three days a week, in order to be at CFA by 6:00. It's early, but I get off around 2:00, which is great during the week because I'm getting in hours at work, and still have time for school and stuff at home. It's not the greatest on Saturday, but I could stand the discipline of getting up when it's still dark and cold. :)

Oh, now that I'm on the subject of CFA, some stranger commented on this blog and said that I should post about funny things that happen at work. I think I'll try to do a short post once in awhile about that kind of thing. I'll call the stories "Chronicles of The Chicken" :)

I've been trying to start on making some fall/winter dresses; I have a pattern that I will probably use, and I also designed a dress, but I don't know how it will turn out yet, we'll see. It's always fun to draw a dress and have the real thing turn out like the picture, but I'm not really good enough at designing clothes to do it quickly- it's pretty time consuming. Hopefully I'll become more efficient with practice, I think it's a good skill to have with such a shortage of modest clothing.

Well, I hope you all have a wonderful week!



Rachel and Sarah said...

Hi you! :)

Unknown said...

Who was the stranger? Or do you even know? The Chronicles of the Chicken. I like it. Did your enjoyment of The Chronicles of Narnia have anything to do with the naming process?


Butler Family Member said...

You know, Gavin, I have no idea who that guy was. For some reaon he called our house today and tried to make me guess who he was. :)
The names actually weren't connected, it just sounded interesting :) -Kendal

Unknown said...

Haha :D Nice. Yeah, it does make it sound intriguing.


Unknown said...

Ummmm, hey, not to be that guy, but isn't 'practise' actually spelled, "practice"?

Just thought I'd let you know.

It's at the end of the last paragraph.