Saturday, February 5, 2011

Did you know...

Did you know that Charlie Chaplin once won third place in a Charlie Chaplin look-alike contest? Isn't that the oddest thing, that the judges obviously thought two other people looked more like him than himself?

Now for a different subject. Daddy took Kendal and I to see The Voyage of the Dawn Treader at the time of the huge snow, and we loved it! I was very pleased with it, and thought the changes made it even better, where as in Prince Caspian the big changes were also a big disappointment.( I absolutely adore Reepicheep, who is in about three books, he is so cute and furry)

Now I will confess that the green mist was a little odd (in Voyage of the Dawn Treader), but it didn't change my over all thoughts of the movie in general. I also thought the different times when the witch came to try and tempt Edmund were very interesting, especially since in The Lion, the Witch and The Wardrobe Edmund actually went over to the Witch's side. Kendal and I actually haven't seen the Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe yet, but we have read all the books dozens of times. We really like all of them, and The Voyage fo the Dawn Treader is actualy our favorite!We actually own the first movie, and might watch it today! After We do, maybe I'll tell everyone what I think of it. hope everyone has a great weekend! ~Kelsey

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