Friday, April 13, 2012

You're Tagged!

Here are my questions for the people I'm tagging.

FBI agent or chef?

If you could have any car you wanted, what would you pick? (has to be an actual car)

Vacation in the mountains or at the beach?

Laptop or ipad?

What was the age of your parents when they married?

What is the  color that  you love but can't wear?

Do you prefer skirts or pants?

Would you rather have a debate with someone, or shallow conversation?

Would you rather go horseback riding or go have tea at an expensive tea house?

Have you ever been to an amusement park? (Kings Dominion, Busch Gardens, etc.)

Do you want to go sky-diving?

Okay, those are your questions,and here are the people I'm tagging. I think it's actually supposed to be eleven people, I don't know if I'll be able to think of that many.

Abigail Taylor

Gavin Larum

Katie Wilson

Homeschool on the Croft

Munck Sisters


Oliver Alexander

Graham Donahue



Yesterday, Today, Forever

Okay, that's eleven people.... I have alot of blogs on my dashboard, but about a third of them haven't posted for at least six months. *Clears throat* and two  of the people I picked haven't posted in two years! Is it a rule that you have to pick people who are actually connected to the blogging world currently? *hmmm*
Hope y'all have fun with it!


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